Living with a Long-Term Stoma

1h 22m
Updated 12 Mar 2024 Certificate ANCC Accredited

A ‘long-term’ stoma refers to a stoma intended to be either for permanent use (i.e. not reversible) or for temporary, short-term use initially, but necessitated for an extended period. Under either circumstance, navigating life with a long-term stoma can present a myriad of challenges and care considerations.

This Ausmed Course provides learners with a multifaceted, practical understanding of these specific care needs and considerations for patients living with long-term stomas.


5 Video Units • 14 Questions
1 Question
3 Questions
From Temporary to Longer-Term
3 Questions
Self-Efficacy and Long-Term Stomal Therapy
3 Questions
Lifestyle Factors and Common Stoma Complications
3 Questions
1 Question

What you'll learn:


Understand common indications for forming a long-term stoma.


Manage treatment considerations for co-existing conditions in tandem with stomal therapy requirements for patients with long-term stomas.


Analyse and troubleshoot common complications when caring for patients with long-term stomas.


Confidently educate patients and their carers about maintaining a long-term stoma alongside any co-existing conditions.

Who it's for:

Nurses and other healthcare professionals looking to increase their understanding of best practices for the provision of care to patients who are living with stomas in the long-term.

Why it's needed:

In Australia, more than 50,000 Australians are currently living with a stoma. There are a range of specific considerations to be made for individuals with long-term or permanent stomas, such as the ongoing management of their indicated pre-existing condition (e.g. bowel cancer or inflammatory bowel disease) and avoidance of common complications. Additionally, numerous studies indicate that an individual’s quality of life can be significantly impacted by the formation of a chronic stoma.

Education on the topic of long-term stomas is therefore necessary as it will equip healthcare professionals with a multifaceted, practical understanding of their patient’s needs and experiences, resulting in the provision of high-quality care and improved patient outcomes.


To provide healthcare professionals with a multifaceted, practical understanding of the specific care needs and considerations for patients living with long-term stomas, in order to facilitate improved patient outcomes.


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Last updated12 Mar 2024

Published04 Mar 2023

Due for review30 Mar 2025
ANCC Accredited
This course has been published with the American Nurses Credentialing Center Accreditation.
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