Preventing Medication Errors

Updated 08 Apr 2021 Certificate ANCC Accredited

This Ausmed Course provides an update on medication administration and calculations, as well as a reminder for all healthcare professionals on how we can avoid making medication errors and potentially causing adverse patient outcomes.

What you'll learn:


Identify the potential risks associated with medication errors in order to prevent adverse events.


Improve patient safety by applying relevant rules and strategies to reduce the potential for medication errors.


Calculate medicine doses accurately to ensure safe administration of medications in clinical practice.

Who it's for:

All registered nurses and other health professionals who regularly administer medications to patients.

Why it's needed:

Medicine use can be associated with harm and the common use of medicines means they are associated with more errors and adverse events than any other aspect of healthcare.

There is a need for formal education on the prevention of medication errors as the prevalence of medication errors is of particular concern and evidence shows the majority of these errors are preventable.


Identify factors that may contribute to medication errors, in order to reduce the incidence of these errors and ensure that adverse and unwanted effects to patients are minimised.


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