Stay organised in your final year of uni. This Nursing & Midwifery Graduate Program Guide (2025–2026) outlines key dates, application tips, and essential steps to secure your preferred graduate position. Plan ahead for success!
Last Updated: 10 March 2025
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12 min read
Get organised now.
Being organised is a vital component of being a Nurse or Midwife. In this important final year of your entry to practice studies, planning ahead is particularly important as you want to maximise your chances of becoming registered as a Nurse and/or Midwife and getting your preferred graduate program next year. This Guide outlines the key dates associated with the application process, no matter what State or Territory you are in.
To support your planning, this Guide will be organised in a month by month format. The focus will be on the Match application process which is the process that is in place in Victoria. However, this Guide will also include key dates and activities in other States and Territories. Please note that not all States and Territories have published their key dates for this year but this Guide will give you key links to enable you to access updates when published.
In nearly all cases, bulk applications and processes are required when applying to work in the public health system in your State or Territory, which is where the bulk of positions will be, with the exception of some larger private hospitals. If you are not eligible to enter a Matching process (see the rules that apply in your State or Territory) then health services not participating in the Match can advertise separately and you can apply directly to them.
March 2025
Most successful outcomes are related to the planning process so March is a great opportunity to work out what the processes are for applying for Nursing and Midwifery graduate positions in the State or Territory that you intend to work in.
In Victoria, details of the Graduate Nurse Midwifery Program Match for 2026 positions has just been published - Please read all the details on this site in preparation for when the Match opens in June 2025, including eligibility criteria, the Code of Conduct and the Match rules.
On 29 March 2025, attend, if you are able, the Australian College of Nursing Nursing & Health Expo in Melbourne - This event is free and a great opportunity to talk to some of the health services that you may apply to for your graduate program next year. Health Services will also finish their preparation in March to determine what information goes into the Health Services Directory - this information is key for you to access in order to know what individual processes each participating Health Service has.
At the Expo there will also be panel presentations and many people to network with - use the Event to get as much information as possible.
March is a good opportunity to collect questions in your mind that you can ask at the Expo. It is also a chance to start networking with key stakeholders when on clinical placements.
In Victoria, use this time to reflect on all the information you gathered at the Careers Expo in March. Health Services will have advertised dates for Information Sessions, either face to face or online. Attend as many of these as possible so that you can start to narrow down the Health Services you will ultimately apply to - there will be a maximum of 4 preferences. How these information sessions are conducted, and the information conveyed during the process, will help you to position your preferences in your mind.
Additionally, start to think about who may be able to act as a referee for your applications - it is important that they know they are referees for you and that they will be available when the time comes.
In NSW, the key dates for the GradStart process will be updated and published - use this link.
In Tasmania, the key dates and processes for graduate positions in 2026 should be published and accessible through this link.
In Queensland, the 2026 Graduate Program dates have been advertised and are available here - the application portal will be open from the end of June until the beginning of September but bookmark the site now.
In Victoria, continue to attend information sessions in the Health Services of your choice - by the time you put your final preferences into the system, you need to be sure that you are fully informed.
Applications for the Northern Territory Graduate Programs for 2026 open in May - see this link.
June 2025
In Victoria, the Match opens on Monday 2 June 2025. Go to and create an account, formally starting your application process. Do this as early as possible following the opening of the site, to ensure your application is not rushed.
Health Service applications also open on this date and you will need to apply to those preferences you have nominated only. Each Health Service will individually specify their requirements so read instructions carefully.
July 2025
In Victoria, the closing date for applications through the Match is Wednesday 2 July. You must have nominated your Health Service preferences and have nominated your referees. Health Services will not receive applications after this date.
The Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria, the governing body of the Match, will then verify and confirm your applications.
From 7-10 July, you must record your video interview responses to preset questions - instructions are set out clearly in the Match. This timeframe is critical so be organised. These video interviews will then be reviewed by the Health Services you have applied to.
Friday 11 July is the date by which your referees must have submitted their referee reports. You need to have ensured that your referees are available and are willing to provide a reference for you, bearing in mind they may be a referee for multiple students at the same time.
From 14 July onwards, Health Services will begin to view the video interviews - the Match will give them access to your application, referee reports and video interviews. During this time, Health Services may also ask for a further interview specifically with them - this may be online or face to face. They will use all the available information to then rank applicants to their Health service in their order of preference.
August 2025
In Victoria, Health Services continue to conduct their individual selection processes. Be sure to check your emails and other messages to ensure you do not miss any communication from them.
September 2025
Friday 5 September is the final date for you to withdraw from the Match - you may consider doing this if you have received an employment offer from any Health Services that do not participate in the Match, or if you are considering moving interstate.
Importantly, this is also the final date by which you can re-order or delete any of your preferences. Be discerning about this - change the order based on any recent experiences you have had with that Health Service, positive or negative. You cannot add any new preferences.
Between 8-12 September, Health Services complete their rankings and confirm them, along with their final numbers, to the Match.
Between 15-16 September, an allocation/placement computer algorithm compares your preferences with the Health Service rankings to determine a Match.
At 10:00am on Wednesday 17 September the Match results are published and available to view on your application portal - you will also receive a confirmation email.
Between 17-19 September, you must accept your employment offer through the Portal.
From 22-23 September, any unmatched candidates and Health Service vacancies will move into the next round - keep an eye out for communication if you are in the unmatched category.
October 2025
In all States and Territories, October onwards is usually when final details of 2026 employment are confirmed, usually directly through communication between successful candidates and Health Services. Candidates initially unmatched may receive second round offers - importantly being unmatched is very common and is usually a consequence of the fact that higher numbers of applications are made to large metropolitan health services and insufficient applications to smaller regional/rural.
Take home messages
This year is no doubt a stressful one - finishing your studies, applying for graduate programs and seeking registration as a Nurse and/or Midwife. Application processes are competitive and very much time-dependent so be very organised and deliberate in your actions from March onwards - remember that each year, thousands of students successfully match with one of their preferences. Other tips include:
Ensure that you would be very happy to work at any of your preferences
Print out the key dates as they are equally as important as assessment due dates etc
Take note of how potential Health Services engage with you and list your preferences accordingly
Consider some of the great opportunities in regional and rural areas of Victoria
Network, network and network!
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Who wrote this Guide?
Tony McGillion| RMIT
Tony McGillion is a Registered Nurse with over three decades of experience across various roles. He began his career in the UK, also working in Saudi Arabia, before transitioning to leadership and educational roles in Australia, including positions at Epworth Hospital, Cabrini Health, Austin Health, and as a policy advisor to the Victorian Government. Currently, he holds the positions of Adjunct Professor (RMIT University) and Clinical Associate Professor (The University of Melbourne).
Tony spent 5 years at La Trobe University as an Associate Professor and held multiple directorships. Tony holds a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Health Administration and he currently focuses on leadership development in nursing, served as Chair for the Australian College of Nursing in Victoria and Melbourne, and mentors early and mid-career nurse leaders. He also volunteers as a Scholarships/Grants Assessor for the Australian College of Nursing and, in his spare time, is an Athletics Australia Recreational Running Coach.