How confident do you feel conducting an infant health assessment? This Ausmed Course provides a practical and easy-to-follow resource for identifying and managing the warning signs of serious illness and deterioration in infants.
Recognise the signs of serious illness in infants.
Understand the principles of infant health assessment.
Assess the likelihood of serious illness following an infant health assessment.
Apply knowledge to decide the level of care needed and prioritise urgency in practice.
Educate and support parents and carers about how to advocate for their infant.
The target audience for this course is maternal and child health nurses, midwives, paramedics and other healthcare professionals who wish to refresh their knowledge or learn about assessing infants and prioritising care based on their findings.
Infancy is a critical period of rapid growth. Serious illnesses that occur during this time can impact long-term developmental and health outcomes. Many healthcare providers do not specialise in the care of infants and may not recognise serious illness or deterioration. It is vital that the warning signs of serious illness are recognised early and managed promptly.
The purpose of this course is to provide a practical and easy-to-follow resource to help nurses, midwives, and other healthcare professionals to carry out infant assessments, and manage their findings accordingly.
Assign mandatory training and keep all your records in-one-place.
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